Em busca de soluções para o ambiente de escritório pós-COVID, o sistema ADECIA foi instalado em salas de reunião executivas.

Seeking solutions for the post-COVID office space, KOKUYO introduces ADECIA in its executive meeting rooms
KOKUYO’s Furniture Business Division provides a wide range of office furniture such as desks, chairs, and storage, as well as furniture for education, medical care, and public facilities, in addition to solution-oriented services such as office relocation. Although many Japanese companies have been hastily introducing measures to address the recent COVID-19 pandemic, KOKUYO is seeking to soon introduce new ways of working and office styles that are mindful of protecting against infectious diseases. Yamaha's ADECIA* one-stop sound solution for remote conferencing has been introduced in the conference rooms and multipurpose spaces of KOKUYO’s Shinagawa Live Office, which reopened in February 2021 after renovations. This time, in the Shinagawa Live Office meeting room where the ADECIA system was actually installed, we were pleased to talk with Mr. Jun Nagai, General Manager of the DX Strategy Department, Manufacturing Headquarters, Furniture Business Division of KOKUYO about the reasons for introducing ADECIA and opinions of the system after its introduction.
* ADECIA is an audio system equipped with all the equipment required for remote conferencing. This solution is based around the RM-CG Ceiling Array Microphone and the RM-CR Remote Conference Processor, incorporating the PoE-compliant SWR2311P-10G L2 Network Switch and Dante/PoE-compatible VXL1-16P line-array speakers.
O escritório de Shinagawa reabriu em Fevereiro de 2021 após as reformas.
Gerente Geral Jun Nagai, Departamento de Estratégia DX, Chefe de Fábrica, Divisão de negócio de Mobiliário da KOKUYO
Com a pandemia de COVID-19, os clientes procuram atingir o equilíbrio ideal entre a segurança dos seus colaboradores e a segurança com a comunicação.
Has COVID brought about any changes in needs in terms of client visits to your Live Office or showrooms?
JN: Our point of view (perspective) when looking at products and solutions, and framing priority points and themes, has changed. I do feel that our interests are shifting. Before the COVID pandemic, work style reform (notions such as optimizing work-life balance) was a major theme, but now it’s more about employee safety and security, and coordinating between remote work and office work.
Você pode compartilhar alguns pontos de interesse em relação às reformas no escritório de Shinagawa?
JN: Originalmente, o plano da reforma estava avançando independentemente da pandemia de COVID-19, mas como uma resposta a esta pandemia após a Primavera de 2020, decidimos implementar rapidamente alguns planos para garantir a segurança e a proteção de todos, ao mesmo tempo que nos esforçávamos para inovar através da colaboração. Um ponto muito importante foi a mesa de aspiração de gotículas AIRTRIEVE para salas de reunião (as encomendas iniciaram em Dezembro de 2020), que foram instaladas em várias salas de reunião, incluindo esta sala de reunião da direção.

Sala de reunião da direção equipada com os sistemas ADECIA e AIRTRIEVE
Yamaha's one-stop ADECIA audio solution for remote conferencing has been installed in three meeting rooms at Shinagawa Live Office. Could you tell us why?
JN: In addition to this boardroom, we’ve also installed the ADECIA system in two visitor meeting rooms (Meeting Room 3 and Meeting Room 5). The boardroom is a place where board members gather to discuss important company matters, and our meeting rooms for visitors are where we meet VIPs of crucial importance to our business, such as our clients and business partners, so they require appropriate equipment enabling all attendees to concentrate on the conversation in comfort. In the case of meeting rooms used only for communication among employees, it's not too much of a concern if online conferencing microphones and cables are placed randomly onto tables, but this approach is simply not suitable for really special places of communication. Our main reason for introducing the ADECIA, which features panel-shaped microphones installed on the ceiling, was that it keeps the tabletop as clear and clean as possible.

RM-CGW Ceiling Array Microphone installed on the boardroom ceiling
We’ve heard that you contacted us immediately after ADECIA was released for sale.
JN: That's right. We’ve used Yamaha products before to design office spaces for various projects, but when I heard about the newly-released ADECIA system, I though this product could solve our problems. Our information systems personnel immediately went to visit Yamaha, viewed the actual equipment, and confirmed its functions and effectiveness in demonstrations, and a decision was made to introduce it immediately.
O Microfone de teto ADECIA cria espaços que nos permite concentrar apenas na conversação
E quando se usa o sistema AIRTRIEVE, que apresenta uma entrada de ar exatamente no centro na mesa, a disposição das ligações e dos cabos de microfone também teve que ser alterada, certo?
JN: Correto. As mesas de conferência mais recentes foram concebidas para serem instaladas de modo que o cabeamento seja o mais discreto possível. Eles retiraram o espaço de cabeamento instalado na seção central da mesa, até porque ao utilizar o sistema AIRTRIEVE, a porta de entrada de ar ocupa essa posição, por esse motivo os cabos devem ser colocados entre os participantes, uma vez que os microfones têm de ser colocados sobre a mesa, o que cria obstruções aos participantes e não é visualmente apelativo. Graças ao sistema ADECIA, conseguimos obter a disposição mais limpa, sem que os microfones ou cabos de ligação ficassem visíveis de qualquer forma.
O sistema AIRTRIEVE está equipado com um sistema de purificação do ar que consegue reduzir os vírus que possam circular no ar em 99% no intervalo de 5 minutos.
O Processador de conferência RM-CR e o switch de rede SWR2311P-10G L2 instalados numa prateleira por debaixo do monitor (foram colocados visíveis para a fotografia)
You don't have to turn the microphone toward the speaker every time someone speaks, so you can concentrate on the meeting, right?
Mr. Nagai: Yes, I think the effect is significant. Since the purpose of a meeting is to watch facial expressions and read the spaces between overt remarks in order to achieve deeper communication, an environment such as this meeting room, where the table is free of clutter and you don't have to stay constantly aware of the position and distance of the microphone, is simply ideal. I like its outstanding design qualities. Not only is it installed out of sight on the ceiling—it also blends into the ceiling without calling attention to itself.
Parece que o microfone incorporado do sistema ADECIA lhe foi bastante útil.
Sr. Nagai: Sim, e eu também gosto muito da função de redução de ruído do sistema ADECIA. O sistema AIRTRIEVE, que está equipado com uma potente unidade de purificação do ar, gera inevitavelmente algum ruído de admissão e de escape do ar. Simplesmente, haverá mais fontes de ruído na sala de reuniões do que apenas o ar condicionado. A função de redução de ruído de alto desempenho do sistema ADECIA é eficaz na redução deste tipo de ruído de baixa frequência a um nível muito menos percetível, ao mesmo tempo que transmite claramente vozes em uma conversação.

Visão alargada da Sala de Reuniões 5, equipada com os sistemas ADECIA e AIRTRIEVE.
A aquisição do sistema ADECIA melhorou substancialmente a qualidade da voz e a utilização prática das conferências remotas.
You’ve only recently introduced the system, but could you tell us your impressions and opinions of actual use?
JN: The boundary microphones that we used previously had some problems picking up sounds, and it was difficult to hear people with soft voices or who were distant from the microphone. We constantly had to physically hand the microphone around among speakers, turn to face the microphone, stay aware of the position of the microphone, and so on. We got used to it and it became quite normal, but every time a board meeting was held, I really wanted to avoid this sort of situation. This was one of the reasons we decided to introduce ADECIA.
To what extent have the voice quality and usability issues actually been resolved?
JN: With ADECIA, the microphones installed in the ceiling instantly and automatically detect the direction of the sound source and pick up the sound, so meeting attendees can concentrate on the conversation without being aware of the microphone at all. There’s also the noise reduction effect that I mentioned earlier, as well as an auto gain control that distinguishes the human voice and adjusts the volume precisely. I believe that everyone present is able to hear clearly, regardless of seating position or speaking volume. I’m also very satisfied with the speakers, as their excellent performance allows other people’s voices to be heard naturally.

Dante/PoE-compatible VXL1-16P line-array speakers installed by the monitor in Meeting Room 5
You have also introduced the ADECIA system into a multipurpose meeting room. Can you tell us why?
JN: Yes, we also introduced ADECIA in a multipurpose space (Meeting Room 3) that contains no meeting table. Small-scale seminars and training will be held here, and with ADECIA, we don’t need to adjust the arrangement or layout of microphones according to the number of users, and there’s no need to worry about anyone tripping over cables when arranging the room layout. Thanks to the microphones that actively track multiple sound sources, sound can be picked up clearly no matter where the speaker is seated, which is a major advantage in a space like this.
Visão geral da Sala de Reuniões 3
Detalhe ampliado da foto à esquerda: o microfone de teto RM-CGB suspenso a partir da estrutura com um cabo.
Gostamos de propor aos nossos clientes esta solução em duas partes, que interagem entre si com sinergia
O sistema ADECIA é muito compatível com o sistema AIRTRIEVE, e parece haver a necessidade de uma solução global que inclua estas duas abordagens.
JN: É isso mesmo. Aos clientes que visitam esta sala de conferências e se interessam pelo sistema ADECIA, gosto de explicar o seu efeito sinergético e recomendo os dois sistemas em conjunto.
Obrigado por ter disponibilizado este tempo para falar connosco hoje.
Disposição do sistema ADECIA fornecido pela KOKUYO