Yamaha Quality

Defining Quality the Yamaha Way
"Quality" is one of those little words that cover a lot of ground. It can mean different things to different people at different times, but at Yamaha it applies to a whole spectrum of concepts that form the backbone of a uniquely conscientious approach to product development and manufacture.
Sonic quality, although it is often the first aspect that comes to mind, is only the beginning. Reliability and durability are just as important, and are in many ways more difficult to achieve with any degree of consistency. Then of course there's safety, both personal and environmental, to which an extensive gamut of important standards apply. Unique to electronic devices is the need to prevent electrical interference, both incoming and outgoing, which is an area that requires an extraordinary level of skill combined with advanced facilities for effective management and control. And quality management must continue even after the product is sold, in the form of support and service.
To achieve the kind of quality that satisfies all conditions all of the time requires focused, unrelenting attention to detail and control right from initial product planning and design through final manufacture and packaging to post-sales support. It is not a simple task, and requires a dedicated organization and infrastructure for effective implementation. This is where many manufacturers fall short, but is where Yamaha's commitment to delivering unequalled quality in all areas is overwhelmingly clear. And the fact that the Yamaha approach works is evident in an outstanding track record and enviable reputation.
The following overview of Yamaha's quality management system can't possibly do full justice to the enormity of the job, but it will give you a glimpse into a world of unremitting attention to detail that is the cornerstone of renowned Yamaha Quality.
Yamaha Quality Control: Quality Management
Yamaha's Quality & Engineering Planning Division handles testing requested by the various product development divisions in accordance with the Yamaha Quality Management System.
The Yamaha Quality Support Center
The Quality Support Center is a world-class testing laboratory that houses some of the most advanced and sensitive testing facilities for electronic devices available anywhere.
Production can only begin after the final engineering samples have passed all tests and have been fully approved by the Quality Support Center as well as all of the involved development groups. But that is by no means the end of quality management. Monitoring and testing continue throughout the manufacturing process to ensure that quality goals are maintained.