
Commercial Installed Sound

An Advanced Remote Conferencing Environment

“We need maximum clarity and intelligibility for remote conferencing, plus measures to prevent the conference from being overheard.”

These capabilities are vital in modern offices, financial institutions, medical facilities, and more. The system described here is a good start. Although remote conferencing is a rapidly growing mode of communication, echoes caused by audio feedback and otherwise impaired intelligibility are still common problems. Yamaha’s highly advanced MRX7-D features an Acoustic Echo Canceller function that effectively suppresses echoes even if speaker output is picked up by microphones in the room, eliminating echoes and dropouts in both directions. Add VXL1 slim line array speakers that offer outstanding clarity, and you have a system that achieves excellent intelligibility for smooth, effortless communication. The MRX7-D also includes a Speech Privacy function that feeds a special masking signal to speakers installed in the hallway outside the conference room, making it impossible for outsiders to eavesdrop on the proceedings.



Controle simples e flexível para sistemas de som complexos e de alta capacidade

XMV Séries

Os amplificadores de potência multi-canal da Série XMV aliam a eficiência da Classe D a características especificamente concebidas para beneficiar a instalação comercial dos sistemas de som.


A série de alto-falantes line array VXL combina qualidade de som excepcional e formato fino como ninguém. Ideal para vários ambientes.

Série VXC

A série VXC tem três tamanhos de woofer para você escolher o alto-falante mais adequado ao seu ambiente.