Notícias & Eventos

Lançados os Firmwares V2.02.17 para SWR2311P-10G e V2.04.04 para SWR2310.

Novo recurso: Agora com função de servidores RADIUS.

Lançado o Firmware V2.03.09 para SWP2.

Novo recurso: Agora com função de servidores RADIUS.

Lançado o Firmware Rev.2.01.10 para SWP1.

Alguns problemas foram corrigidos.

Lançada a V1.5.7 do Yamaha LAN Monitor.

Melhoria: Agora o Yamaha LAN Monitor gerencia a configuração em pilha do SWR2310-28GT com firmware Rev. 2.04.04 ou posterior. Também serão incluídas correções de alguns bugs.

RIVAGE PM10 Mixes Award-Winning, Multi-Sensory Production In Singapore

In 2018, Singaporean artist Inch Chua travelled to Antarctica as part of the Climate Force International Antarctic Expedition, led by renowned explorer Robert Swan. She turned the experience into an award-winning, multi-sensory production, 'Til The End Of The World, We'll Meet In No Man's Land, which used a complex binaural audio production, delivered to audiences via multiple sets of headphones and the KLANG Fabrik immersive in-ear monitoring system. The production was mixed on a Yamaha RIVAGE PM10 digital mixing system.

Yamaha and NEXO Systems Get into the Swing of Java Jazz

2020 marked the 16th annual Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival (JJF) with performances from both local artist and international acts. This festival is one of the largest jazz festival in the world, with this year’s event spanning three days from February 28th until March 1st and attended by over 100,000 people from Indonesia and surrounding countries. Held in Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo), the festival ground is known as one of the largest exhibition venues in Indonesia. Java Jazz 2020 had 11 stages, 8 indoor and 3 outdoor stages.

Lançados o Firmware V4.12 para RIVAGE PM e o RIVAGE PM Editor V4.1.2.

Novos recursos: agora compatível com a superfície de controle CS-R3, além do modo DSP "Parameter Mirror", que sincroniza os parâmetros entre dois mecanismos DSP em sistemas que não usam TWINLANe.

Lançado o Console File Converter V5.2.0.

Novo recurso: agora aceita a conversão do arquivo com a extensão ".RIVAGEPM", usada nos modelos CS-R5, CS-R3 e CS-R10 na V4.0.0 e posteriores.

Mixing Danny Vera Is No Roller Coaster With RIVAGE PM7

Singer/songwriter Danny Vera has been bringing his distinctive blend of Americana to enthusiastic Dutch audiences since the early 2000s. Following the success of hit single Roller Coaster, Vera and his band played a sold-out tour in late 2019 with a Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 digital mixing system.

Yamaha testa novo estilo de espectador com o sistema de torcida remota de duas equipes profissionais de beisebol no Japão

A partir de 7 de julho, a Yamaha Corporation disponibilizará seu sistema de torcida remota "Remote Cheerer powered by SoundUD" em testes conduzidos nas partidas entre o Hanshin Tigers Co., Ltd. (com sede em Nishinomiya, na prefeitura de Hyogo) e o Chiba Lotte Marines Co., Ltd. (com sede em Chiba, na província de Chiba) no Estádio Hanshin Koshien e no Estádio ZOZO Marine. Ainda em desenvolvimento, esse sistema pretende ser uma nova maneira de acompanhar esportes em uma era de torcida remota nas partidas.